On 25 April 2023, Speak Up Talk Radio announced the recent FIREBIRD BOOK AWARDS contest winners

One of the winning entries was from New York State author Loretta Goldberg, whose book THE REVERSIBLE MASK: AN ELIZABETHAN SPY NOVEL won in the Historical Fiction and New Fiction Categories.

Authors and publishers worldwide submitted their work to the International Firebird Book Awards. Two judges from a select panel of 27 read each book and independently scored each entry. All judges commit to a set of standardized criteria that evaluates the quality of the writing as well as production aspects. Only entries with the highest scores are awarded the coveted Firebird.

Patricia J. Rullo, the founder of the Firebird Book Awards, says:

“The Firebird Book Awards adds a charitable twist that allows the author’s entry fee to be tax-deductible. In return, we make handmade fun and colorful pillowcases and send them with children’s books to women and children who are experiencing homelessness, including the shelter Enchanted Makeovers, a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. In this way, authors get notoriety for their work while helping to transform homeless shelters into bright and happy homes. While it feels good to win a book award, it feels even better to do good and serve others.”

The Firebird Book Award judging panel includes a diverse group who represent a cross-section of ages, cultural heritage, races, religions, gender, and experience. The Firebird Book Awards run quarterly contests so authors can receive recognition on a timely basis. Authors from all genres, mainstream, independent, and self-published, are welcome. For additional winning authors, titles, and entry information:


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