Amazon KDP is definitely a great way to get your book out into the world. However, many
authors find that the technical issues of getting a manuscript ready for publication can be
very frustrating.
Using the MadeGlobal KDP Validation Service, we’ll look at your cover and internal book
files and make sure they’ll sail through Amazon’s system without issues.
Who is the MadeGlobal KDP Validation Service for?
If you’ve gone through layout of your book with someone who isn’t MadeGlobal, you won’t
know if the files are perfect for uploading to KDP. Our service will save you trouble going
around and around trying to work out what is wrong with your book.
Idea for website image
A screenshot-style image showing a well-designed book being previewed in the KDP
platform’s book preview tool. With an “approved” stamp on top of it.
NOTE: we can provide the image of the book preview tool.